About Your Ched + Caramelised Onion

A note about our Ched + Caramelised Red Onion: You might notice it looks a bit different from our hamper photos. Here's why:

When we first developed this cheese we used Branston's Sweet Onion relish, which created beautiful flecks throughout. However, when it came to ordering for the seasonal production run, the relish was nowhere to be found!
We soon discovered that Tracklement's Caramelised Onion Marmalade created an equally delicious flavour – though it tends to settle more on one side of the wedge rather than spreading throughout.
While the appearance may not be exactly what we initially planned, we can assure you the taste is absolutely delicious (in fact, the wedge in this photo didn't last 5 minutes after the mini photoshoot!). We hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do.
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